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Deltapilot FMB50 - Hydrostatic level measurement

Level measurement
Deltapilot FMB50

Compact pressure sensor with the Contite measuring cell for hydrostatic level measurement

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Tổng quan về thông số kỹ thuật

  • Accuracy

    Standard 0.2%
    Optional 0.1%

  • Process temperature


  • Pressure measuring range

    100 mbar...10 bar
    (1.5 psi...150 psi)

  • Process pressure / max. overpressure limit

    40 bar (600 psi)

  • Main wetted parts

    Alloy C
    optional coating AuPt

  • Max. measurement distance

    100m (328ft) H2O

  • Material process membrane

    316L, AlloyC

  • Measuring cell

    100 mbar...10 bar
    (1.5 psi...150 psi)

Phạm vi ứng dụng

The compact Deltapilot FMB50 transmitter with the condensate resistant Contite measuring cell is typically used in the process and hygienic applications.
It is made for level measurement in liquid and paste-like media in open or closed containers and unaffected by possible foam formation. For use in SIL2 safety systems.

For level and/or pressure measurement.

  • Process connections: Thread, flanges and flush-mounted hygienic connections

  • Process temperature: –10 to +100°C (14 to 212°F) (+135°C (275°F) for 30 minutes maximum)

  • Measuring range: 0.1 to 10bar (1.5 to 150psi)

  • Accuracy: ±0.2%, ±0.1% (option)

  • International explosion protection certificates, overfill prevention WHG, SIL, hygienic certificates

Lợi ích

  • Hermetically sealed Contite measuring cell with condensate-resistance, high reference accuracy: ±0.2%, optionally ±0.1% and minimum temperature effects

  • Modular concept for easy replacement of display or electronics

  • Seamless and independent system integration (HART/PA/FF)

  • Easy menu-guided commissioning via local display, 4 to 20mA with HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus

  • International usage thanks to a wide range of approvals


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Lựa chọn Lean

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FLEX: Lean ©Endress+Hauser
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Lựa chọn Fundamental

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Lựa chọn Extended

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