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"Product Phased Out".
Supplies intrisic safe power to loop
powered 2-wire HART instruments. It
integrates separately powered and loop
powered HART instruments into the
Rackbus system and can be used with
Endress+Hauser instruments and
instruments of other suppliers.
Sản phẩm cũ
Thông tin kĩ thuật (TI)
Technical Information Field Communication Power supply unit FXN 672
Field Communication
Power supply unit FXN 672
Intrinsically safe power supply for HART
Connects HART transmitters to the RackbusEN VI 01/07/1999Ngôn ngữ:
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195.5 KB
Tên tập tin:
Hướng dẫn an toàn chống cháy (XA)
Safety Instructions Power Supply Unit FXN672
II (1) GD [EEx ia] IIC
PTB 98 ATEX 2193 (ATEX)EN VI 01/10/200101/12/1999Ngôn ngữ:
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1.6 MB
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