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Endress+Hauser opens new regional logistics hub in the US

New facility in Indiana will allow the shipping of products to be streamlined through a global network

Ngày phát hành: 08.03.2023

Endress+Hauser has announced the opening of a new 48,000-square-foot Indianapolis, Indiana-based regional logistics hub, marking a further milestone in the Group’s project to boost the fulfillment of customer orders and satisfaction on a local and global scale.

“This new regional logistics hub will allow us to move products through a global network regardless of where they’re produced and where they need to be shipped,” said Steve Demaree, North America regional supply chain manager at Endress+Hauser. “Additionally, our logistics systems are now as automated and standardized as possible.”

In partnership with Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, Endress+Hauser will strengthen logistics capabilities for the United States, Canada and Mexico as well as internationally in terms of response time, throughput time and on-time delivery, all of which are pivotal for modern distribution centers. Endress+Hauser already operates two regional logistics hubs in Germany for all of Europe and in China. An additional regional hub is currently being built in India.

“Our regional logistics hub in Indianapolis will continue to serve our mission of reliably supplying customers with measurement and automation technology,” said Oliver Blum, Corporate Director of Supply Chain at Endress+Hauser. “Our logistics system is an imperative link in the supply chain, and while we prioritize 100% availability, flexibility also is crucial.”

The facility will primarily be used for cross-docking logistics, which includes shipping products from the manufacturer directly to the customer. For the US sales company, the regional logistics hub will also assume the function of a warehouse from which key customers can be supplied quickly with standard products. The Indianapolis-based center also will bundle inbound orders from overseas locations and distribute them to their designated sites in North America.

The new logistics hub is located at 4740 Victory Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46203.


    Endress_Hauser_logistics hub_08-03-2023.zip

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