Hãy thử tìm kiếm theo từ khóa, đơn hàng hoặc mã sản phẩm hoặc số sê-ri, ví dụ: “CM442” hoặc “Thông tin kỹ thuật”
Nhập ít nhất 2 ký tự để bắt đầu tìm kiếm.
  • Lịch sử

Water chemistry

Water quality analysis in power plants and in industrial steam plants

Water chemistry is one of the most critical and important segment in the boilers and power plants. Achieving higher operation efficiency and reducing plant downtime is impossible with poor water chemistry, which leads into further damages of the assets. This online seminar is designed to focus attention on the complete water cycle in power plants and boilers with some critical online measurement parameters along with associated sampling system.

Ngày tháng
Thời gian
02:00 CH - 03:00 CH ICT
09:00 CH - 10:00 CH ICT
Ngôn ngữ đề nghị
Tiếng Anh
Water quality analysis ©Endress+Hauser

Water quality analysis