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Product picture of: Float Gauge LTC2240

Float Gauge LTC2240

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3 tài liệu
    • Thông tin kĩ thuật (TI)

    Float Tank Gauge LTC 2230/2240 Level measurement for small-sized and underground tanks

    • Thông tin kĩ thuật (TI)
    bản tiếng Nhật - 04/2008
    New version available in English

    Manual gauging on tank top is
    unnecessary - assures safe aintenance
    Large dial scale makes indicator eading easy
    even from a distance.
    Remote tank gauging is easily done
    Applicable to corrosive or high viscous liquid by selecting adequate
    material and
    component parts

    • Thông tin kĩ thuật (TI)

    Technical Information - Float Gauge LTC2230/LT2240

    • Thông tin kĩ thuật (TI)
    bản tiếng Anh - 09/2013
    New version available in English

    • Low Cost
    • A large gauge face makes the indicator easily readable,even from a
    • Remote tank gauging can be performed easily with transmitter
    • Suitable for highly corrosive and viscous liquid when proper materials
    and LTC-series components are selected.

    • Hướng dẫn vận hành (BA)

    Operation Instructions - Float gauge LTC2230/LTC2240

    • Hướng dẫn vận hành (BA)
    bản tiếng Anh - 09/2013
    New version available in English

    Wire Float Level Gauge LTC2230/LTC2240 is for compact tanks. Since
    LTC gauge head and its parts are compact and simple by design, it is
    easily installed virtually maintenance free.