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3 tài liệu
    • Thông tin kĩ thuật (TI)

    Analog Transmitter AT500 - Technical Information

    • Thông tin kĩ thuật (TI)
    bản tiếng Anh - 06/2013
    New version available in English

    AT500 analog transmitter is used in combination with the
    LT11/12/14/16 float tank gauge.
    When the float tank gauge indicator reaches the alarm setting point,
    AT500 transmitter outputs an alarm contact signal by operating a micro
    AT500 is a limit contact unit that has six contacts for controlling the
    of the tank contents.
    The flame proof enclosure allows installation in hazardous areas, such
    as in the petrochemical industry.

    • Thông tin kĩ thuật (TI)

    AT5000-Technical Information

    • Thông tin kĩ thuật (TI)
    bản tiếng Anh - 10/2006
    New version available in English

    Tank Gauging

    • Hướng dẫn vận hành (BA)

    Analog Transmitter AT5000 AT500 - Operating Instructions

    • Hướng dẫn vận hành (BA)
    bản tiếng Anh - 06/2013
    New version available in English

    AT500 analog transmitter is used in combination with LT11/12/14/16 float
    tank gauge.
    When the level gauge indicator reaches alarmsetting point, AT500
    transmitter outputs an alarm contact signal by operating a micro switch.
    AT500 is a limit contact unit that has six contacts for controlling the
    of the tank contents