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Product picture of: OTR35

Thermophant T OTR35

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5 tài liệu
    • Hướng dẫn vận hành (BA)

    OTR31, OTR35

    • Hướng dẫn vận hành (BA)
    bản tiếng Anh - 11/2020
    New version available in English

    For safe measurement,monitoring and
    control of process temperatures

    • Tài liệu về năng lực (CP)

    Generic, dual label and private label products

    • Tài liệu về năng lực (CP)
    bản tiếng Anh - 11/2024
    New version available in English

    Generating additional business for
    OEMs, industry and commerce

    • Tài liệu về năng lực (CP)

    Generische, Dual-Label- und Private-Label-Produkte

    • Tài liệu về năng lực (CP)
    bản tiếng Đức - 11/2024
    New version available in English

    Generierung zusätzlichen Geschäfts für OEMs, Industrie und Handel

    • Tuyên bố của Liên minh Châu Âu

    Product family: Industrial modular thermometer, Low cost RTD general purpose, Magphant, Plugs RTD direct contact, Process RTD direct contact, Process RTD direct in contact, Process RTD explosion proof, Process RTD general purpose, Process RTD heavy duty, Process R TD hygienic, Process TC direct contact, Process TC direct in contact, Process TC explosion proof, Process TC general purpose, Proces s TC heavy duty, RTD thermometer, TC heavy duty

    • Tuyên bố của Liên minh Châu Âu
    bản tiếng Anh - 02/2024
    New version available in English

    Product root: DTT31-, DTT31L-, DTT35-, DTT35L-, GPTL-, MLTTS00-, MLTTS01-, OTR31-, OTR35-, OTR90-, OTR91-, OTR92-, OTR93-, OTR94-, O
    TR95-, OTR96-, TMR31-, TMR31L-, TMR35-, TMR35L-, TMT470L-, TTR31-, TTR35-
    Declaration number: EC_00568_03.24

    • Thiết bị vệ sinh

    Product family: , Accessories: Pipe thermowell, Magphant, Process RTD hygienic, RTD thermometer

    • Thiết bị vệ sinh
    bản tiếng Anh - 01/2024
    New version available in English

    Product root: DTT35-, ODTT35-, OTM311-, OTMR35-, OTR35-, TE411-, TK40-, TM311-, TM371-, TM372-, TM401-, TM402-, TM411-, TM412-, TMR3
    5-, TT411-, TT412-, TTR35-
    Region: USA
    Approval agency: 3-A Sanitary Standards
    Hygienic equipment: 3-A Sanitary
    Hygienic standard: 74-07